-The worst stock market decline since the 1930s (okay, it was sheer panic).
-The end of a decade where the $1000 you put into an S&P Index fund in Jan. 2000 turned into $900 by Dec. 2009 (so much for Buy and Hold).
-Congressional wrangling over a Health Care bill that's turning into something nobody likes (and a view into the legislative process that has been truly frightening).
-Yet another goofball that managed to smuggle a bomb onto a plane (up next--airport strip searches).
Okay, now I'm depressed. So let's focus on the positive.
+Barack Obama was inaugurated.
+The stock market did turn around (and I think it's heading higher).
+Unemployment has slowed.
+Michelle O. planted the first organic garden at the White House.
+Climate change got some serious attention
+Dick Cheney didn't shoot anyone (as far as we know).
++And on a personal note, my 88-year-old Mom survived both back surgery and pneumonia (and let's hope I got HER longevity genes).
So on New Year's Eve, I'll be ready try this festive champagne cocktail (the recipe came from my friends at Sonoma's own Korbel Champagne Cellars).
Stars-and-Stripes (shown above)
1 part Korbel Brut
1 part Cranberry Juice
Salut, everybody. And if you have an equally yummy champagne cocktail recipe, please share it in a comment!!
1 part Cranberry Juice
Salut, everybody. And if you have an equally yummy champagne cocktail recipe, please share it in a comment!!